About the Authors

Amit Chakrabarti
grew up in Bangalore, received a B.Tech. from IIT Bombay, and a
Ph.D. from Princeton University. While broadly interested in
theoretical computer science, he is especially fascinated by impossibility
phenomena in algorithms and mathematics. During his high school days, he was
known to cite Abel's theorem on algebraically solving the general quintic as
his favourite mathematical result. This has not changed yet. He enjoys
playing Scrabble at the international tournament level, and various other
games with his son at a sub-amateur level.

Graham Cormode
University of Warwick, UK
University of Warwick, UK
Graham Cormode grew up in England, received a B.A. from the University of Cambridge, and a Ph.D. from the University of Warwick.
His research interests within computer science span algorithms, databases, networks, and security.
In his vanishingly small spare time, he likes to solve mysteries.

Andrew McGregor
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
Andrew McGregor grew up in Scotland, received a B.A. and M.Math from the University of Cambridge, and a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. He is interested in a broad range of problems in theoretical computer science and information theory. He sometimes cares about constants but mainly when they are in the exponent. He once played Scrabble against an opponent of international renown; who won will be left as a mystery.