About the Authors

Shayan Oveis Gharan
Assistant professor
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Assistant professor
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Shayan Oveis Gharan
(listed alphabetically under “O”)
is an assistant professor in the
Computer Science and Engineering
department at the University of Washington.
He received his Ph.D. in 2013
from the
MS&E department
at Stanford University
under the supervision of
Amin Saberi and
Luca Trevisan.
Before joining UW he spent a year and a half
as a postdoctoral
Miller Fellow
at UC Berkeley where his host was
Umesh Vazirani.
He did
his undergraduate studies at the Computer Engineering department
at Sharif University.
Shayan's research areas include the design and analysis of algorithms,
spectral graph theory, and applied probability.
Shayan received an ACM doctoral dissertation award honorable mention for his
Ph.D. thesis “New Rounding Techniques for the Design and Analysis of
Approximation Algorithms” in 2014.
He and his coauthors received Best Paper awards at SODA 2010 and FOCS 2011
for their work on the Traveling Salesman Problem.

Luca Trevisan
U.C. Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
U.C. Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
Luca Trevisan is a professor of electrical engineering and computer
sciences at U.C. Berkeley and a senior scientist at the Simons
Institute for the Theory of Computing. Luca received his Dottorato
(Ph.D.) in 1997, from the Sapienza University of Rome, working with
Pierluigi Crescenzi. After graduating, Luca was a post-doc at MIT and
at DIMACS, and he was on the faculty of Columbia University, U.C.
Berkeley, and Stanford, before returning to Berkeley in 2014.
Luca's research is in theoretical computer science, and in the past
six years he has been interested in spectral graph theory and its
applications to graph algorithms.
Luca lives, beyond his means, in San Francisco. When out of town, he
can often be found in Rome or in Hong Kong.