About the Authors

Pedro F. Felzenszwalb
Associate Professor
Brown University, Providence, RI
Associate Professor
Brown University, Providence, RI
Pedro F. Felzenszwalb received his Ph.D. from
M.I.T. in 2003; his advisor was
W. Eric L. Grimson.
He is currently an Associate Professor of Engineering and
Computer Science at Brown University. His research interests include
computer vision, artificial intelligence, machine learning and
discrete algorithms.

Daniel P. Huttenlocher
John P. and Rilla Neafsey Professor of Computing, Information Science and Business
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
John P. and Rilla Neafsey Professor of Computing, Information Science and Business
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Daniel P. Huttenlocher received his Ph.D. from
M.I.T. in 1988; his advisors were
W. Eric L. Grimson and
Shimon Ullman.
He is currently the John P. and Rilla
Neafsey Professor of Computing, Information Science and Business at
Cornell University. He is also Dean of Computing and Information
Science at Cornell. His research interests include computer vision,
geometric algorithms and large-scale networks.