About the Authors

Ben Reichardt
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
Ben Reichardt graduated from
UC Berkeley in 2006,
advised by
Umesh Vazirani.
He studies algorithms and
fault-tolerance schemes for quantum computers, and quantum

Robert Špalek obtained his Ph.D. in Theoretical
Computer Science from
CWI, Amsterdam in 2006, under the
supervision of
Harry Buhrman. His thesis focused on quantum
algorithms and quantum query lower bounds, and these are his main
research interests till today. He spent one year as a postdoc at
UC Berkeley. Since 2007, he has been working as a software engineer
in the
search quality team at Google.
He grew up in the Czech
Republic, and now lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his
wife Raina and two little sons who take most of his time. His
hobbies include reading, photography, and hiking.